Title: Swiss IT Magazine Special: Romeo and Juliet on Facebook, Author: Thomas Wüst
Title: Sync Your Worlds with Microsoft SkyDrive: Connecting your stuff with your Surface, Home/Office Computer & Smartphone, Author: Terry Lutes
Title: Global Employee Lifecycle Management: Comprehensive Enterprise Master Data Management (EMDM) and Integrated IAM, Author: Andreas Von Grebmer
Title: Sunshine on Secure Java: OWASP Top 10 - Writing Secure Web Applications, Author: Natalie
Title: Anatomy of a cyberattack, Author: Institute Historian T F Peterson
Title: WordPress - Best Tips Ever: The Tips That Make WordPress Comes To Real Than Ever, Author: Jeffry Thurana
Title: Sarah the Cyber Hero, Author: Brandee Britt
Title: The New IT Leader, Author: Tony Scott
Title: Getting started with Spring Framework: A Hands-on Guide to Begin Developing Applications Using Spring Framework, Author: Ashish Sarin
Title: Combat Ready IT and PIE: Cyber Security for Small Medium Business and Perpetual Improvement Everywhe, Author: P.B. Dove
Title: Mastering Java through Biology: A Bioinformatics Project Book, Author: Peter Garst
Title: Agile Information Security: Using Scrum to Survive in and Secure a Rapidly Changing Environment, Author: James R. Fitzer
Title: Designing a Document Strategy: E-Book Edition, Author: Kevin Craine