Title: Trusts and Estates Simulations Bridge to Practice, Author: Danaya Wright
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eBook $19.99 $22.50 Current price is $19.99, Original price is $22.50.
Title: Evidence Simulations: Bridge to Practice, Author: Fred Galves
Title: Galves, Imwinkelried and Leach's Evidence Simulations: Bridge to Practice: Bridge to Practice, Author: Fred Galves
Title: Sprankling's Property Law Simulations: Bridge to Practice: Bridge to Practice, Author: John Sprankling
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eBook $18.98 $22.50 Current price is $18.98, Original price is $22.50.
Title: Vitiello's Civil Procedure Simulations: Bridge to Practice: Bridge to Practice, Author: Michael Vitiello
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eBook $19.99 $22.50 Current price is $19.99, Original price is $22.50.