Title: Oswald, The CIA and the Warren Commission: The Unanswered Questions, Author: Peter Kross
Title: Becoming (Handbook for the New Paradigm, Vol. III), Author: Benevolent Beings
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Title: Uncommon Sense, Author: William Murray
Title: Chaos in America: Survivng the Depression, Author: John L. King
Title: Victim to Victor! Defeating a Victim's Consciousness, Author: Alexander Holub
Title: The Energy Solution Revolution, Author: Brian O'Leary
Title: Dropping Pebbles In Still Water, Author: Ph.D. Alexander S. Holub
Title: Hormone Heresy: What Women Must Know About Their Hormones, Author: Dr. Sherrill Sellman
Title: Handbook of the New Paradigm, Author: Benevolent Beings
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#2 in Series
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