Title: From Good Market Research to Great Marketing: A How-to Guide for Home Builders, Author: Colleen Edwards
Title: ValueMatch Selling for Home Builders: How to Sell What Matters Most, Author: William Nowell
Title: Selling to Builders, 2nd edition, Author: Steve Monroe
Title: Selling to Builders, Author: Steve Monroe
Title: Strategic Sales in the Building Industry, Author: Rick Davis
Title: Sweet Success in New Home Sales: Bill Webb, MIRM, on Selling Strong in Changing Markets, Author: Bill Webb
Title: Option Selling for Profit: The Builder's Guide to Generating Design Center Revenue and Profit, Author: Gina Gullo
Title: Build Green & Save: Protecting the Earth and Your Bottom Line, Author: Matt Belcher
Title: Marketing Multifamily Housing with Integrated Marketing Strategies, Author: Diane P. Leone