Title: Mermaid Conspiracy, Author: C.J. Lanet
Title: Lost Diaries of Barbara Allen, Author: C.J. Lanet
Title: Who's Catcher McCall?, Author: C.J. Lanet
Title: Bullies Never Grow Up, Author: C.J. Lanet
Title: Confessions of a Grasshopper, Author: C.J. Lanet
Title: Catcher McCall ... Outsider, Author: C.J. Lanet
Title: Derek Jeter... Inside and Outside the Box, Author: C. J. Lanet
Title: Eleventh Commandment, Author: C.J. Lanet
Title: The Paradise Wrestling Club: First Season: Ten Part Series, Author: C.J. Lanet
Title: Council Nine, Author: C.J. Lanet