Zarbun Imsahhar

David had a problem - David had a lot of problems! He wanted to be part of the school's football team, but he was not a good player. And two of the school bullies were setting their eyes on him. How could he convice the school coach to include him in the team? And how could a little old cobbler help him become football star material?

Zarbun Imsahhar

David had a problem - David had a lot of problems! He wanted to be part of the school's football team, but he was not a good player. And two of the school bullies were setting their eyes on him. How could he convice the school coach to include him in the team? And how could a little old cobbler help him become football star material?

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Zarbun Imsahhar

Zarbun Imsahhar

by Norman C. Borg
Zarbun Imsahhar

Zarbun Imsahhar

by Norman C. Borg



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David had a problem - David had a lot of problems! He wanted to be part of the school's football team, but he was not a good player. And two of the school bullies were setting their eyes on him. How could he convice the school coach to include him in the team? And how could a little old cobbler help him become football star material?

Product Details

BN ID: 2940033144969
Publisher: Norman C. Borg
Publication date: 02/18/2012
Sold by: Smashwords
Format: eBook
File size: 142 KB
Age Range: 5 - 11 Years
Language: Maltese

About the Author

Norman C. Borg għamel erbatax-il sena jgħallem fi skola primarja tal-gvern, sitt snin assistent kap ta’ skola u aktar tard sitt snin bħala uffiċjal edukattiv mad-Diviżjoni tal-Edukazzjoni, fejn għen lill-għalliema tal-iskejjel primarji jintegraw l-użu tal-kompjuter u tal-Internet fit-tagħlim tagħhom. Bħalissa jaħdem bħala għalliem tal-Ingliż fi skola tal-lingwi lokali kif ukoll bħala lettur mistieden tad-Dipartiment tal-Malti, l-Università ta’ Malta, fejn jagħti lezzjonijiet dwar l-użu ta’ għodod elettroniċi għal riċerka u qari tal-provi tal-Malti. Huwa wkoll membru tal-Kumitat Tekniku għall-Iżvilupp tal-Malti fl-Informatika. Matul it-tmeninijiet u d-disgħinijiet kiteb bosta stejjer għat-tfal, ħafna minnhom ippubblikati fir-rivista Sagħtar maħruġa mill-Malta Union of Teachers. Barra minn stejjer oriġinali ħareġ ukoll adattamenti ta’ stejjer klassiċi bħal Is-Saħħar ta’ Oż. Huwa koawtur ukoll tal-ktieb Tużżana (Merlin Publishers, 1998). Ma’ awturi u illustraturi oħra kkollabora wkoll fil-produzzjoni ta’ comics bħal Avventura (1981) u Il-Komik (1983-1984). Bħalissa l-proġett ewlieni tiegħu hu li, barra milli joħroġ materjal ġdid, jirrevedi bosta mill-proġetti l-antiki billi jaġġornahom u jimmodernizzahom għat-tfal ta’ llum, u jippubblikahom mill-ġdid f’format elettroniku. Aktar tagħrif dwar dan il-proġett jinsab fuq

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