Title: Carol Doak Teaches Paper Piece, Author: Carol Doak
Title: Start Free-Motion Machine Quilting with Angela Walters DVD, Author: Angela Walters
Title: Quilt Label Collective CD: Over 150 Designs to Customize, Print & Embellish, Author: Various Artists
Title: Katie Pasquini Masopust Teaches Simple Steps to Dynamic Art Quilts, Author: Katie Pasquini Masopust
Title: The Goon Show: Volume 19: Ned's Atomic Dustbin, Author: Spike Milligan
Title: Ann Fahl Teaches You Coloring with Thread, Author: Ann Fahl
Title: I'd Like You More if You Were More like Me DVD: Getting Real about Getting Close, Author: John Ortberg
Title: Quilt Label Collective CD: Over 150 NEW Designs to Customize, Print & Embellish, Author: Various Artists
Title: Alex Anderson Teaches You to Start Quilting DVD, Author: Alex Anderson
Title: Judith Baker Montano Teaches You Crazy Quilting, Author: Judith Baker Montano
Title: Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Sprirt, Author: Francis Chan
Title: B. Goldsmith and L. Jenkins Teach Applique, Author: Becky Goldsmith
Title: Quilt Label Collective CD: Over 150 New Designs to Customize, Print & Embellish, Author: C&T Publishing