Title: Makin' Do: A River Tale, Author: Roy Sweat
Title: An Astrologer's Journey My Life With The Stars, Author: Kelly Lowe
Title: Eyes Open, Listening, Author: Janet Watson
Title: Memoirs of a Sex Addict: A Jersey Girl Bares All, Author: Samantha Barrett
Title: Women of Spirit: Exploring Sacred Paths of Wisdom Keepers, Author:
Title: Florida State Poets Association Anthology Thirty-Three 2015, Author: Patricia L Stevenson
Title: Activistic, Author: Nena Larieze
Title: The Journey, Author: Al Hubbs
Title: Looking at Life Through a Small Eye, Author: Natalie Warrick
Title: A Mighty Warrior is the Ant, Author: Natalie Warrick
Title: Burnout, Author: Dr. Joe Uricchio
Title: Will to Kingdom: Thy Will be Done, Thy Kingdom Come, Author: Stephen Ricks
Title: The Sun Always Rises: How to Thrive in Times of Loss, Author: Kelly Lowe
Title: Anthology Thirty-Two Florida State Poets Association, Author: Patricia L. Stevenson