Title: This Mortal Coil, Author: DJ Cammy
Title: Dark Edge: Prequel to the COIL Series, Author: D.I. Telbat
Title: The Immortal Coil, Author: J. Armand
Title: Dark Rule, Author: D. I. Telbat
Title: Dark Zeal, Author: D. I. Telbat
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This Mortal Coil
by Emily Suvada
Narrated by  Skye Bennett
#1 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)

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Title: Gospel of the Forgotten, Author: J. Armand
Title: The Mortal Coil, Author: David Herbert Lawrence
Explore Series
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This Cruel Design : A Mortal Coil Novel
by Emily Suvada
Narrated by  Skye Bennett
#2 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged) $23.99
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Title: Dark Hearted, Author: D. I. Telbat
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Dark Liaison
by D. I. Telbat
Narrated by  Cameron Beierle
#1 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged) $9.99
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Dark Hearted: A Christian Suspense Novel
by D. I. Telbat
Narrated by  Cameron Beierle
#2 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged) $9.99
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Dark Zeal (COIL, 5)
by D. I. Telbat
Narrated by  Cameron Beierle
#5 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged) $31.99
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Title: Medusa's Coil, Author: H. P. Lovecraft
Explore Series
Title: Shadows of Humanity, Author: J. Armand
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Dark Vessel: A Christian Suspense Novel
by D. I. Telbat
Narrated by  Cameron Beierle
#4 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)

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Title: The Alabaster Concordat, Author: J. Armand
Title: Dark Vessel, Author: D. I. Telbat