Title: The Bhagavadgita and St. John of the Cross: A Comparative Study of the Dynamism of Spiritual Growth in the Process of God-Realisation, Author: RV D'Souza
Title: Spirituality Basic Ecclesial Communities in the Socio-Religious Context of Trivandrum/Kerala india, Author: S Ponnumuthan
Title: Priest as Leader: The Process of the Inculturation of a Spiritual-Theological Theme of Priesthood in a United States Context, Author: B Winters
Title: Offering Our Bodies as a Living Sacrifice to God: A Study in Pauline Spirituality Based on Romans 12, 1, Author: XPB Viagulamuthu
Title: Alla Presenza di Dio: Ruolo dell'Orazione Mentale nel Carisma di Fondazione di San Giovanni Bosco, Author: G Buccellato
Title: The Mystical Experience and Doctrine of St. Louis-Marie Grignion De Montfort, Author: J Thelagathoti
Title: La Cristologia Esistenziale nel'Esperienza e nella Dottrina di Elisabetta della Trinita, Author: JK Miczynski
Title: Christian Life as Spousal Hospitality: An Implicit Theme in the Writings of St. John of the Cross, Author: Contac
Title: Journal of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies. Volume 7 (2015), Author: Jitse Dijkstra