Title: Impressions of Cape Breton, Author: Brian Douglas Tennyson
Title: The Oak Island Mystery, Solved!, Author: Joy A. Steele
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Title: These Were My People: Washabuck: An Anecdotal History, Author: Vincent W. MacLean
Explore Series
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Title: Basement Suite: A Novel, Author: Susan Farrell
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Title: Old Trout Funnies: The Comic Origins of the Cape Breton Liberation Army, Author: Ian Brodie
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Title: Social Economy: Communities, Economies and Solidarity in Atlantic Canada, Author: Sonja Novkovic
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Title: Seanchaidh na Coille / Memory-Keeper of the Forest: Anthology of Scottish-Gaelic Literature of Canada, Author: Michael Newton
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Title: Fògradh, Fàisneachd, Filidheachd: Parting, Prophecy, Poetry, Author: Duncan Rev. Blair
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Title: The Failure of Global Capitalism: From Cape Breton to Colombia andBeyond, Author: Terry Gibbs
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Title: Living Treaties: Narrating Mi'kmaw Treaty Relations, Author: Marie Battiste
Title: Charting the Darkness, A Novel, Author: Roy A III Harrisville
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Title: The Maze: A Thomas Pichon Novel, Author: A. J. B. Johnston
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Title: Distinction Earned: Cape Breton's Boxing Legends 1946-1970, Author: Paul MacDougall
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