Title: Seven Years Of Surrender, Author: Cassandra Blizzard
Title: Snapshots, Author: C. D. Blizzard
Title: Malevolent, Author: E. J. Deen
Title: Blackwater, Author: C. D. Blizzard
Title: A Lover's Moon, Author: Cassandra Ormand
Title: A Man Worthy, Author: Cassandra Ormand
Title: A World Without Color, Author: Cassandra Blizzard
#2 in Series
Title: Profile, Author: C. D. Blizzard
Title: The Empowered Life: Part Two, Author: Cassandra Blizzard
Title: The Empowered Life and Your Connection to the Soul-Self, Author: Cassandra Blizzard
Title: Malina's Price, Author: Cassandra Ormand