Title: Traffic Control, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: The Cheat, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
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Title: Road Talk, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: A White Cat For Christmas, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: Baubles and Beads, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: Aurora's Song, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: Mile 43.3 Richardson Highway, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: Brain Waves, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: Grass and Blue Skies, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: The Price of the Little Blue Pill, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: Back Bay, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: Daughter Of The Raven, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
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Title: Behind the Raven Mask, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
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Title: Then They Were Six, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: Deirdre of the Sorrows, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: The Father-in-Law Effect, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
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Title: Poppy, Author: Cherime MacFarlane
Title: Death Wish, Author: Cherime MacFarlane

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