Title: Sex, Lies and the CEO (Harlequin Desire Series #2376), Author: Barbara Dunlop
#1 in Series
Title: Sexo, mentiras y engano: (Sex, Lies And Trick), Author: Barbara Dunlop
Title: Seduced by the CEO (Harlequin Desire Series #2382), Author: Barbara Dunlop
Title: Juegos del destino: (Games of Destiny), Author: Barbara Dunlop
Title: Un trato con el jefe: (A Deal with the Boss), Author: Barbara Dunlop
Title: A Bargain with the Boss, Author: Barbara Dunlop
#3 in Series
Title: La novia secuestrada: (The Kidnapped Bride), Author: Barbara Dunlop
Title: His Stolen Bride, Author: Barbara Dunlop
#4 in Series