Title: No Dogs in China: A Report on China Today, Author: William Kinmond
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eBook $15.49 $26.95 Current price is $15.49, Original price is $26.95.
Title: Migrant Labor in China, Author: Pun Ngai
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eBook $18.99 $22.95 Current price is $18.99, Original price is $22.95.
Title: China's Environmental Challenges, Author: Judith Shapiro
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eBook $18.99 $22.95 Current price is $18.99, Original price is $22.95.
Title: China's Foreign Policy, Author: Stuart Harris
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Title: China's Military Transformation, Author: you Ji
by you Ji
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Title: Family Life in China, Author: William R. Jankowiak
Title: China's Social Welfare: The Third Turning Point, Author: Joe C. B. Leung
Title: Party and State in Post-Mao China, Author: Teresa Wright
Title: China and Taiwan, Author: Steven M. Goldstein
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