Title: Tank: The Magi's Advent, Author: Christopher Blankley
Title: Zombpunk: ARROW, Author: Christopher Blankley
#2 in Series
Title: Tank, Author: Christopher Blankley
Explore Series
Title: Zombpunk: STEM, Author: Christopher Blankley
#1 in Series
Title: Tank: The Broken Sickle, Author: Christopher Blankley
Title: That Nietzsche Thing, Author: Christopher Blankley
Title: The Bobbies of Bailiwick and the Captive Ocean, Author: Christopher Blankley
Title: Zombpunk: SAPPA, Author: Christopher Blankley
#3 in Series
Title: The Bobbies of Bailiwick, Author: Christopher Blankley
Title: Zombpunk: The Complete Series, Author: Christopher Blankley