Title: Eu Energy Law: Volume III - Book Three, the European Renewable Energy Yearbook, Author: Christopher Jones
Title: EU Energy Law : Eu Environmental Law, the EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System, Author: Jos Delbeke
Title: EU Energy Law: Volume VII, Energy Efficiency in the European Union, Author: Joseph Curtin
Explore Series
Hardcover $284.00 $355.00 Current price is $284.00, Original price is $355.00.
Title: EU Energy Law: Volume I, The Internal Energy Market (Fourth Edition), Author: Christopher Jones
Title: EU Transportation Law: Volume I, EU Shipping Law, Author: Johnny Baker (pa
Title: The EU Gas Laws: January 2013, Author: Helmut Schmitt von Sydow
Title: EU Competition Law: Abuse of Dominance under Article 82 EC, Author: Francisco Enrique Gonzalez-Diaz
Title: Eu Energy Innovation Policy Towards 2050, Author: Jean-Michel Glachant
Title: EU Energy Legislation and Case Law Handbook 2013, Author: Helmut Schmitt von Sydow
Title: Eu Energy Law and Policy Yearbook 2012, Author: Jean-Michel Glachant
Title: The EU Electricity Laws: Edition 2015 (Four Book Set), Author: Pierre Bernard
Title: The European Energy Union: A Quest for Secure, Affordable and Sustainable Energy, Author: Rafael Leal-Arcas
Title: Security of Oil Supplies: Issues & Remedies, Author: Giacomo Luciani
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Title: The Globalization of Natural Gas Markets: New Challenges and Opportunities for Europe, Author: Manfred Hafner
Title: A New Architecture for Eu Gas Security of Supply, Author: Jean-Michel Glachant
Title: Turkey and the EU: Energy, Transport and Competition Policies, Author: Ahmet O. Evin