Title: Araby the Blest, Author: Daniel T. Potts
Title: Zauberdiagnose Schwarze, Author: Marie Louise Thomsen
Title: Acts of the Seventh International Conference of Demotic Studies: Copenhagen 23-27, August 1999, Author: Kim Ryholt
Title: Ancient Near Eastern, Author: Eva Moller
Title: Heritage in Ancient Egypt, Author: Jurgen Osing
Title: Le Recit De Ma Vie, Author: Ghabdoune Mohamed
Title: Poemes Touaregs de l'Ayr, 2, Author: Ghabdouane Mohamed
Title: Poemes Touaregs de l'Ayr, 1, Author: Ghabdouane Mohamed
Title: Lexique Tourareg - Francais, Author: Karl G. Prasse
Title: Archive of Wullu Family, Author: Katarzyna Grosz
Title: Old Sumerian Akkadian, Author: Aage Westenholz