This Can't Be Happening!: Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy

“Guys like Lindorff can cloak their madness in political rhetoric, but that doesn’t change what it is—madness.” —James Taranto, Wall Street Journal

“A full-bore attack on Bush-as-warmonger.”—Alexander Cockburn

How many of us look at the paper in the morning and say, “This can’t be happening”? An iconic edifice is destroyed, swarthy aliens are blamed and a nation’s leader puts a frightened public on a war footing. Bush—or Hitler? In this scathing collection of articles, Dave Lindorff suggests some of the uncomfortable parallels between the ’30s and today.

Award-winning investigative journalist Dave Lindorff is a columnist for Counterpunch, and author of Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Penalty Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Alexander Cockburn (Introduction) is a columnist for The Nation.

This Can't Be Happening!: Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy

“Guys like Lindorff can cloak their madness in political rhetoric, but that doesn’t change what it is—madness.” —James Taranto, Wall Street Journal

“A full-bore attack on Bush-as-warmonger.”—Alexander Cockburn

How many of us look at the paper in the morning and say, “This can’t be happening”? An iconic edifice is destroyed, swarthy aliens are blamed and a nation’s leader puts a frightened public on a war footing. Bush—or Hitler? In this scathing collection of articles, Dave Lindorff suggests some of the uncomfortable parallels between the ’30s and today.

Award-winning investigative journalist Dave Lindorff is a columnist for Counterpunch, and author of Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Penalty Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Alexander Cockburn (Introduction) is a columnist for The Nation.

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This Can't Be Happening!: Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy

This Can't Be Happening!: Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy

This Can't Be Happening!: Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy

This Can't Be Happening!: Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy

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“Guys like Lindorff can cloak their madness in political rhetoric, but that doesn’t change what it is—madness.” —James Taranto, Wall Street Journal

“A full-bore attack on Bush-as-warmonger.”—Alexander Cockburn

How many of us look at the paper in the morning and say, “This can’t be happening”? An iconic edifice is destroyed, swarthy aliens are blamed and a nation’s leader puts a frightened public on a war footing. Bush—or Hitler? In this scathing collection of articles, Dave Lindorff suggests some of the uncomfortable parallels between the ’30s and today.

Award-winning investigative journalist Dave Lindorff is a columnist for Counterpunch, and author of Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Penalty Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Alexander Cockburn (Introduction) is a columnist for The Nation.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781567512991
Publisher: Common Courage Press
Publication date: 09/01/2004
Pages: 272
Product dimensions: 6.10(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.80(d)

About the Author

Award-winning investigative journalist Dave Lindorff is a coumnist for COunterpunch magazine, and is author of "Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Penalty Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal." Alexander Cockburn is a colunist for the Nation and cofounder of Counterpunch

Table of Contents

Foreword: Lighting Bonfiresxi
Introduction: Shock and Awe at the Breakfast Table1
Chapter 1Mission Accomplished
Liberating Iraqis...From Their Homes: IOUs for Looting14
And a Big Hand for...The Coalition of the Willing16
War and Peace in New York: Against the War at Ground Zero18
Bombing Saddam into Glory: A Hero Made in Washington21
America's Dirty Bombs: These WMDs are Right in Front of Their Noses23
Secret Bechtel Documents Reveal: Yes, It Is About Oil29
The Iraq Moneypot36
Consider the Parallels with Vietnam: An Iraq War and Occupation Glossary39
Legitimizing Terrorism? Making America Safer...for Iraqi Fighters43
Rumsfeld v. Belgium: "Leave Us Alone or We'll Move NATO45
Takoma Goes AWOL: The Dolphin Who Refused to Fight47
Paying For War: $2150 Per Family and Counting48
Chapter 2Occupation: Lost in the Bush
Calling All Occupiers: Talking Turkey About Iraq51
Shooting Ali in the Back: Why the Pacification is Doomed53
From Occupation to Guerrilla War: A New Kind of Dancing in Iraq55
The Longer it Goes On, the Worse It Gets: Friendly Fire Will Doom the Occupation58
Hiding the Dead Babies: Infanticide as Liberation60
A Marine in Transit: "Spray and Pray" in Iraq62
Dumb and Dumber in Iraq: Human Trophies on the White House Wall64
Now What? The Saddam Dilemma65
Recalling LBJ in Vietnam: Bush's Baghdad Pit Stop67
Good Morning Vietnam! A Strategic Rhetorical Retreat70
The Bush Speech: Spinning a Fiasco73
A Draft in the Forecast? The Pentagon Puts Out the Help Wanted Sign75
Bush's War on Veterans: The White House Attack on the Troops78
Misers of War: Troop Strength and Chintzy Bonuses80
Weapons in Search of a Name: Let's Reserve WMD for the Really Big Ones. You Know, Those Made-in-America Bombs82
Coronado in Iraq: Laughter in the Dark86
Will He Replace Ari? The Catch and Release of "Comical Ali"88
The New Bush Slogan: "Case Closed. Just Move On"89
The Poll of the Shirt: Bush Isn't Wearing Well91
Bush's Torturous Logic: Shocked, Shocked, Shocked94
My Grandfather's Medal: A Final Memorial Day Thought96
Chapter 3Bush and Hitler: Gleich oder Anlich?
Bush and Hitler: The Strategy of Fear103
Bush and Hitler...Compare and Contrast: A Response to the WSJ's James Taranto107
The Bush Election Strategy: The Politics of Fear and Blood110
RNC Plays the Hitler Card: MoveOn Shouldn't Apologize for Those Ads113
Scare Tactics and Elections: A Spanish Parallel115
Chapter 4The Assault on Civil Liberties
When Neighbors Attack121
Snoops' Night Out: FEMA's Paranoid Communities132
Keeping Dissent Invisible: How the Secret Service and the White House Keep Protesters Safely Out of Bush's Sight--and off TV135
Reaping What Has Been Sown: Prisoners, Torture and Hypocrisy142
About Those Kids in Camp X-Ray: Day Care in the Name of National Security145
What's Next: You Call This Security?146
Expanding Power, Gutting Liberty: The Meaning of September 11149
Ashcroft Rebuked: Lynn Stewart's Big Win152
Fighting the Patriot Act: Alaska Turns a Cold Shoulder154
John Walker Lindh, Revisited: A First Glimpse at Bush's Torture Show157
That Terrorism Report: The Warning the State Department Sent Its Own People, But Not You160
Chapter 5The Inbedded Media
The Failure of American Journalism: War, Protest and the Press165
Killing the Messengers: Deliberate or Accident, It Doesn't Really Matter169
Ari "the Fabulist" Fleischer Quits the Scene: The Liar's Gone, the Enablers Remain171
WMD Damage Control at The New York Times: Many Presidents Have Lied, But This Time the Press Went Along for the Ride174
The Importance of Tipping: Is the Media Finally Turning on Bush?177
War Dispatch from the NYT: God's On Our Side180
The Spinelessness of U.S. Journalism: No Solidarity Among the Scribes182
The Press and Fallujah: Barbaric Relativism184
Imagination Deficit Disorder: Finally, Bush Unites...the Resistance187
Chalabi as Prosecutor: An Appointment to Shock and Awe190
This Couldn't Have Been Happening! (But It Was): The Times' Okrent on the Credulous Judy Miller193
Chapter 6The So-Called Opposition
Clinton, Bush and Impeachment: It was the Lying, Right?197
The Democrats in 2004: Perfect Storm or Same Old Doldrums?200
Facing the Music: Courage and the Democrats202
General Hysteria: The Clark Bandwagon206
A Black Day for Democracy: Schwarzenegger and the Failure of the Dems208
Take a Ride in God's Humvee: A General Theory of Theology211
Big Lies and Little Lies: The Meaning of "Mission Accomplished"213
Bush's Brand of Leadership: Putting Himself First215
Al Gore's Judas Kiss: Dean Joins the Party218
Histrionics about Howard: Dean and His Democratic Detractors220
Selling Out Democracy: Kerry's China Connection224
Dude! Where's Your Politics? Michael Moore Smears Kucinich227
Beware the Iraq Election Blowback: Rigged Votes and Puppet Governments229
Presidential Occupations: Bush and Kerry Share a Problem232
Where is John Kerry? A Campaign Coasting Toward Disaster235
Chapter 7Other Indignities, Assaults and Affronts
Will Rendell Act? Race and the Death Penalty in Pennsylvania237
There He Goes Again! Michael Moore Proclaims Mumia Guilty240
Not My Day in Court: How the System Rigs the Jury Pool243
Bush's Scare Tactics May Backfire: The Coming Senior Revolution245
Social Insecurity: Fear Mongering for Privatization250
Hypocrisy at the Fed: Greenspan's Pension253
Marketplace Medicine: America's Healthcare Scandal255
Lights Out Baby: Where's Arnold when We Need Him?258
The Great Oil Gouge: Burning Up That Tax Rebate260
Beef, the Meat of Republicans: Deregulating Themselves to Extinction?263
Memorializing a President Who Could Really Lie: Put Reagan on the $3 Bill266
Saigon Revisited: Bush's Evacuation Moment?268
Making Breakfast Safe Again271
Great Websites for Alternative News and Information272
About the Author274
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