Title: Andean Civilization: A Tribute to Michael E. Moseley, Author: Joyce Marcus
Title: Inca Rituals and Sacred Mountains: A Study of the World's Highest Archaeological Sites, Author: Johan Reinhard
Title: Settlement and Subsistence in Early Formative Soconusco: El Varal and the Problem of Inter-Site Assemblage Variation, Author: Richard G. Lesure
Title: Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology-1, Author: Charles Stanish
Title: Excavations at Cerro Azul, Peru: The Architecture and Pottery, Author: Joyce Marcus
Title: Blood and Beauty: Organized Violence in the Art and Archaeology of Mesoamerica and Central America, Author: Heather Orr
Title: Pompeian Households: An Analysus of the Material Culture ( Monograph Series 42), Author: Penelope M. Allison
Title: The Pacatnamu Papers, Volume 1, Author: Christopher B. Donnan
Title: Yeki bud, yeki nabud: Essays on the Archaeology of Iran in Honor of William M. Sumner, Author: Naomi F. Miller
Title: The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project: Social Approaches to Regional Archaeological Survey, Author: Michael Given
Title: Gallinazo: An Early Cultural Tradition on the Peruvian North Coast, Author: Jean-Fran?ois Millaire
Title: Settlement, Subsistence, and Social Complexity: Essays Honoring the Legacy of Jeffrey R. Parsons, Author: Richard E. Blanton
Title: Information and its Role in Hunter-Gatherer Bands, Author: Robert Whallon