Title: The Art of Critical Pedagogy: Possibilities for Moving from Theory to Practice in Urban Schools / Edition 1, Author: Bella
Title: The Art of Critical Pedagogy: Possibilities for Moving from Theory to Practice in Urban Schools / Edition 2, Author: Bella
Title: The Politics of Curricular Change: Race, Hegemony, and Power, Author: M. Christopher Brown II
Title: Transforming Education with New Media: Participatory Pedagogy, Interactive Learning, and Web 2.0, Author: Peter DePietro
Title: Undoing Whiteness in the Classroom: Critical Educultural Teaching Approaches for Social Justice Activism, Author: Virginia Lea
Title: Urban Schools: The New Social Spaces of Resistance, Author: Mickey Lauria
Title: What a Coach Can Teach a Teacher: Lessons Urban Schools Can Learn from a Successful Sports Program, Author: Jeffrey Michael Reyes Duncan-Andrade

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