Title: The Art of Critical Pedagogy: Possibilities for Moving from Theory to Practice in Urban Schools / Edition 2, Author: Bella
Title: Making Connections: Self-study & social action / Edition 2, Author: Kathleen Pithouse
Title: Transforming Education with New Media: Participatory Pedagogy, Interactive Learning, and Web 2.0, Author: Peter DePietro
Title: Engaging Culture, Race and Spirituality: New Visions-, Author:
Title: Teacher Educators Rethink Self-Assessment in Higher Education: A Guide for the Perplexed, Author:
Title: My Teaching, My Philosophy : Kenneth Wain and the Lifelong Engagement With Education, Author: John Baldacchino
Title: Emerging Perspectives on 'African Development': Speaking Differently, Author: George J. Sefa Dei
Title: Playing for Change: Music Festivals as Community Learning and Development, Author: Michael B. MacDonald
Title: On the Pedagogy of Suffering : Hermeneutic and Buddhist Meditations, Author: David W. Jardine

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