Title: Death by Love: Letters from the Cross, Author: Mark Driscoll
Title: Breathing Grace: What You Need More Than Your Next Breath, Author: MD
Title: Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilburforce, Author: John Piper
Title: Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to Timely Questions, Author: Mark Driscoll
Title: When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God--and Joy, Author: John Piper
Title: John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace, Author: Jonathan Aitken
Title: No More Excuses: Be the Man God Made You to Be, Author: Tony Evans
Title: Taking Back the Good Book: How America Forgot the Bible and Why it Matters to You, Author: Woodrow Kroll
Title: Courageous Parenting, Author: Jack Graham