Title: The Motivation Bible: 66 Poetic Proverbs for Global Intervention, Introspection, and Inspiration; toward Multi-Generational Influence and Significant Legacy, Author: Curtis W A Williams
Title: Important Made Impotent: Poetic Awareness & Consciousness of Mediocrity & Indifference towards What Really Matters, Author: Curtis W A Williams
Title: Start Embark Begin Jump In: Forget Your Bad Reputation, Fool Your Hourglass, and Force Your Life to Matter for All Time, Author: Curtis W A Williams
Title: SPARKS: Thoughts, Reputation, Love, and Longing to Matter, Author: Curtis W A Williams
Title: Love Shake-Head Suck-Teeth Love: Personal Short Story Poems of Love Loss & Longing, Author: Curtis W A Williams
Title: Really? For Real? Poetic Misconceptions of Deception Compromise & Success re the Misunderstood Successful Christian, Author: Curtis W A Williams
Title: Who? Me? Honestly? Personal Poetry to Incite, Instigate and Ignite Your Decisive and Resolute Do and Become, Author: Curtis W A Williams
Title: Point Blank Inspiration: Be Inspired to Reinvent Yourself - 11 Inspirational Poems from 22 Consecutive Hours of a Revolutionary Poetry Explosion; A True Story of Extreme Intense Motivation, Author: Curtis W A Williams
Title: The Nudge: Challenges for Change, Author: Curtis W A Williams
Title: One Leper's Tributes, Author: Curtis W A Williams
Title: Think On THESE Things: Poetic Ponderings for Introspection toward Actualization, Manifestation, and Protection of Your Legacy as the Legendary Referent in Your Domain, Author: Curtis W A Williams