Title: Conscience of a Conservative, Author: Barry M. Goldwater
Title: The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, Author: Friedrich Engels
Title: Living My Life, Author: Emma Goldman
Title: An Autobiography - The Story of My Experiments with Truth, Author: Mohandas Gandhi
Title: Parkinsons Law and Other Studies in Administration, Author: Cyril Northcote Parkinson
Title: The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot, Author: Russell Kirk
Title: Two Lives of Charlemagne, Author: Einhard
Title: Ten Days in a Mad-House, Author: Nellie Bly
Title: Report From Iron Mountain, Author: Leonard C. Lewin
Title: America's Great Depression, Author: Murray N. Rothbard
Title: The World As I See It, Author: Albert Einstein
Title: Bureaucracy, Author: Ludwig von Mises