Title: Mission Earth, Volume 8: Disaster, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 1: The Invaders Plan, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 2: Black Genesis, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: The Pirates of Sufiro (Book 1 Old Star New Earth series), Author: David Lee Summers
Title: Save Our Oceans and Coasts, Author: E. Hirschi
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 9: Villainy Victorious, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 1: The Invaders Plan, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 10: The Doomed Planet, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 9: Villainy Victorious, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 7: Voyage of Vengeance, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 8: Disaster, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 7: Voyage of Vengeance, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 5: Fortune of Fear, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 4: An Alien Affair, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 3: The Enemy Within, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: Mission Earth, Volume 2: Black Genesis, Author: L. Ron Hubbard
Title: The Celestial Steam Locomotive, Author: Michael Coney
Title: Franklin Returns, Author: Robert R. Leichtman

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