Title: Finite Element Analysis and Design of Steel and Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges, Author: Ehab Ellobody
Title: Computational Methods for Fracture in Porous Media: Isogeometric and Extended Finite Element Methods, Author: Kurt St. Thomas
Title: The Boundary Element Method for Plate Analysis, Author: John T. Katsikadelis
Title: Fundamentals of Discrete Element Methods for Rock Engineering: Theory and Applications, Author: Lanru Jing
Title: Fracture Mechanics in Layered and Graded Solids: Analysis Using Boundary Element Methods, Author: TRABELSI-S
Title: Biomechanics of Living Organs: Hyperelastic Constitutive Laws for Finite Element Modeling, Author: Yohan Payan
Title: Finite Elements, Electromagnetics and Design, Author: S.R.H. Hoole

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