Title: The human element in the gospels; a commentary on the synoptic narrative, Author: George Salmon
Title: History of the German element in Texas from 1820-1850, and historical sketches of the German Texas singers' league and Houston Turnverein from 1853-1913, Author: Moritz Philipp Georg Tiling
Title: The German element in the war of American independence;, Author: George Washington Greene
Title: The Mediæval boroughs of Snowdonia; a study of the rise and development of the municipal element in the ancient principality of North Wales down to the Act of union of 1536, Author: Edward Arthur Lewis
Title: The orthographic beauty of the Parthenon referred to a law of nature. To which are prefixed a few observations on the importance of æsthetic science as an element in architectural education, Author: D. R. Hay
Title: Industry society and the human element : a few true detective stories that are interesting and instructive, Author: Sherman Detective Agency
Title: The German element of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia .., Author: John Walter Wayland

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