Title: The Everything Guide to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Learn Positive and Mindful Techniques to Change Negative Behaviors, Author: Ellen Bowers
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Title: The Everything Parent's Guide to the Strong-Willed Child: A positive approach to increase self-control, improve communication, and reduce conflict, Author: Ellen Bowers
Title: The Everything Guide to Raising a Toddler: All you need to raise a happy, healthy, and confident Toddler, Author: Ellen Bowers
Explore Series
Title: Postcards from the 51st State, Author: Ellen Bowers
Title: Winsome Lass Goes Vegan, Author: Ellen Bowers
Title: The Everything Guide to Coping with Perfectionism: Overcome Toxic Perfectionism, Learn to Embrace Your Mistakes, and Discover the Potential for Positive Change, Author: Ellen Bowers
Title: The Everything Parent's Guide to Teenage Addiction: A Comprehensive and Supportive Reference to Help Your Child Recover from Addiction, Author: Edward Lynam
Title: The Only Baby Book You'll Ever Need: A Parent's Guide to Everything!, Author: Marian Edelman Borden
Title: Notes from God, Author: Ellen Bowers
Title: Resurrection of the Bike Spirit, Author: Ellen Bowers
Title: The Everything Parent's Guide to Positive Discipline: A constructive approach to raising a kind, cooperative, and respectful child, Author: Ellen Bowers