Title: Self Made: Becoming Empowered, Self-Reliant, and Rich in Every Way, Author: Nely Galan
Title: Empowered: Unleash Your Employees, Energize Your Customers, and Transform Your Business, Author: Josh Bernoff
Title: From To-Do to Done: How to Go from Busy to Productive by Mastering Your To-Do List, Author: Maura Thomas
Title: The New Experts: Win Today's Newly Empowered Customers at Their 4 Decisive Moments, Author: Robert H. Bloom
Title: The Empowered Investor: 7 Principles for Strategic Wealth Creation in a New Financial World, Author: Angela Emmert
Title: The Happy Inbox: How to have a stress-free relationship with your email, teammates, and communication network, Author: Maura Thomas