Title: Encountering the Old Testament (Encountering Biblical Studies): A Christian Survey / Edition 3, Author: Bill T. Arnold
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eBook $28.99 $49.99 Current price is $28.99, Original price is $49.99.
Title: Encountering the New Testament (Encountering Biblical Studies): A Historical and Theological Survey, Author: Walter A. Elwell
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eBook $30.12 $49.99 Current price is $30.12, Original price is $49.99.
Title: Encountering John (Encountering Biblical Studies): The Gospel in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective, Author: Andreas J. Köstenberger
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Title: Encountering the Book of Psalms (Encountering Biblical Studies): A Literary and Theological Introduction, Author: C. Hassell Bullock
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eBook $16.99 $30.00 Current price is $16.99, Original price is $30.00.
Title: Encountering the Book of Genesis (Encountering Biblical Studies), Author: Bill T. Arnold
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eBook $16.49 $29.00 Current price is $16.49, Original price is $29.00.
Title: Encountering the Book of Romans (Encountering Biblical Studies): A Theological Survey, Author: Douglas J. Moo
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Title: Encountering the Book of Hebrews (Encountering Biblical Studies): An Exposition, Author: Donald A. Hagner
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eBook $15.99 $28.00 Current price is $15.99, Original price is $28.00.
Title: Encountering the Book of Isaiah (Encountering Biblical Studies): A Historical and Theological Survey, Author: Bryan E. Beyer
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eBook $16.99 $30.00 Current price is $16.99, Original price is $30.00.