Title: Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures, Engaging with Others in a Changing World, Author: CTI Reviews
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Title: Engaging with Shakespeare: Responses of George Eliot and other Women Novelists, Author: Marianne L. Novy
Title: The Challenge of Racism in Therapeutic Practice: Engaging with Oppression in Practice and Supervision, Author: Isha McKenzie-Mavinga
Title: Engaging with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence: Practical Techniques for Early Intervention, Author: Chris Newman
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Title: Beyond the Bones: Engaging with Disparate Datasets, Author: Simon Baron-Cohen
Title: Teaching Politics in Secondary Education: Engaging with Contentious Issues, Author: Wayne Journell
Title: Contemporary Children's Literature and Film: Engaging with Theory, Author: Kerry Mallan
Title: Engaging with the Dead: Exploring Changing Human Beliefs about Death, Mortality and the Human Body, Author: Horst Mendroch
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Title: Engaging with Strangers: Love and Violence in the Rural Solomon Islands, Author: Debra McDougall
Title: Indian Mathematics: Engaging with the World from Ancient to Modern Times, Author: George Gheverghese Joseph
Title: Engaging with Educational Change: Voices of Practitioner Inquiry, Author: Alma Fleet