Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go History Makers, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go UJTV, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Mad Science, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Where'd That Come From?, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Playtime!, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Life is Strange, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Modern Mythology, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Fads & Flops, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Nice People, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Mouthing Off, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Bathroom Lore, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Attack of the Foodies, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Screen Gems, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Call of the Wild, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go International Affairs, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Sports Shorts, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Show Biz Blunders, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute
Title: Uncle John's Facts to Go Talk Wordy to Me, Author: Bathroom Readers' Institute