Title: Turkey Baby and the Hungry Hawk, Author: Cathryn  Wellner
Title: Millie's Feathered Foster Family, Author: Cathryn  Wellner
Title: Chickens and Chicks, Author: Emilia Hendrix
Title: My Military Mom, Author: Claudia Harrington
Title: Do You Really Want a Turtle?, Author: Bridget Heos
Title: Do You Really Want a Snake?, Author: Bridget Heos
Title: Do You Really Want a Lizard?: Illustrated by Katya Longhi, Author: Bridget Heos
Title: Rivers and Lakes, Author: Jinny Johnson
Title: Korow: A Baby Chimpanzee's Story [With DVD], Author: Kathleen Duey
Title: Ella the Baby Elephant, Author: Kathleen Duey