Title: Flashback Four #3: The Pompeii Disaster, Author: Dan Gutman
Title: The Storm (Lighthouse Family Series), Author: Cynthia Rylant
Title: The Case of the Missing Moonstone (The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency, Book 1), Author: Jordan Stratford
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Title: The Case of the Girl in Grey (The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency, Book 2), Author: Jordan Stratford
Title: Let the Circle Be Unbroken, Author: Mildred D. Taylor
Title: The Turtle (Lighthouse Family Series), Author: Cynthia Rylant
Title: The Otter (Lighthouse Family Series), Author: Cynthia Rylant
Title: The Eagle (Lighthouse Family Series), Author: Cynthia Rylant
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Title: The Hamilton-Burr Duel, Author: Dan Gutman
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Title: The Lighthouse Family Collection: The Storm; The Whale; The Eagle; The Turtle; The Octopus; The Otter; The Sea Lion; The Bear, Author: Cynthia Rylant
Title: The Case of the Counterfeit Criminals (The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency, Book 3), Author: Jordan Stratford
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