Title: The Gospel of Mary, Author: Joseph Lumpkin
Title: The Prophecy Of Saint Malachy: The Soon Coming End of Days, Author: Joseph Lumpkin
Title: The Life of Saint Issa: Best of the Sons of Man: The Missing Years of Jesus and His Travels in the East, Author: Joseph Lumpkin
Title: The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas: Wholeness, Enlightenment, and Individuation, Author: Joseph Lumpkin
Title: THE STORY OF AHIKAR, Author: Joseph Lumpkin
Title: Epistle of Barnabas, Author: Joseph Lumpkin
Title: The Gospel of Thomas:A Contemporary Translation, Author: Joseph Lumpkin
Title: The Gospel of Philip, Author: Joseph Lumpkin
Title: The Didache: The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles: A Different Faith - A Different Salvation, Author: Joseph Lumpkin
Title: The Gospel of Barnabas, Author: Joseph Lumpkin
Title: SILAS MARNER IN MODERN LANGUAGE, Author: Thomas Ledford
Title: The Infancy Gospels of Jesus: His Life From Birth To Twelve Years of Age, Author: Joseph Lumpkin