Title: TING-A-LING, Author: Frank R. Stockton
Title: THE ASSOCIATE HERMITS, Author: Frank R. Stockton
Title: POMONA'S TRAVELS, Author: Frank R. Stockton
Title: The Associate Hermits, Author: Frank R. Stockton
Title: The Boys of Bellwood School or Frank Jorday's Triumph, Author: Graham B. Forbes
Title: LIARS the News Industry, Author: Frank B. Thompson III
Title: WTF! This Is A Liberal Utopia!, Author: Frank B. Thompson III
Title: Comic Book Series: WTF! This Is A Liberal Utopia!, Author: Frank B. Thompson III
Title: To Meera, With Love..., Author: J.b. Frank
Title: Comic Book Series: SciFi TT.61 In The Year 3591, Author: Frank B. Thompson III
Title: Barbarian King, Author: Frank B. Thompson III

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