Title: The High Road: Memories from a Long Trip, Author: Mark Herndon
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Title: Aspects of Love: A Collection of Short Stories, Author: Steve Thomson
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Title: Trust God! From a Mothers Grief to Affirming Faith: How God Gives Us Twice As Much, Author: Keeba Smith
Title: Satan, You Lying Devil, You!, Author: Lannie Richmond
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Title: Who Said That?: The Stories Behind Familiar Expressions, Author: An Chi Hwan
Title: Who Said That? The Stories Behind Familiar Expressions: For Readers, Writers, Word Lovers, and Trivia Buffs, Fresh Ink Group Explains Whence Come Those Phrases That Color Everyday Speech, Author: Judy Russell
Title: Fresh Ink Group Short Story Showcase #1, Author: Stephen Geez
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Title: Marilyn, Norma Jean and Me, Author: An Chi Hwan