Title: Bilingualism and Identity in Deaf Communities, Author: Metzger Melanie
Title: Bilingualism and Identity in Deaf Communities, Author: Melanie Metzger
Title: Sociolinguistic Variation in American Sign Language, Author: Ceil Lucas
Title: To the Lexicon and Beyond: Sociolinguistics in European Deaf Communities, Author: Mieke Van Herreweghe
Title: The Rising of Lotus Flowers: Self Education by Deaf Children in Thai Boarding Schools, Author: Charles B. Reilly
Title: Multilingualism and Sign Languages: From the Great Plains to Australia, Author: Ceil Lucas
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Title: Sign Languages in Contact, Author: David Quinto-Pozos
Title: HEARING, MOTHER-FATHER DEAF: Hearing People in Deaf Families, Author: Michele Bishop
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Title: The Sociolinguistics of Ethiopian Sign Language: A Study of Language Use and Attitudes, Author: Crash and the Boys
Title: Storytelling and Conversation: Discourse in Deaf Communities, Author: Elizabeth A. Winston