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Title: The Organs of the Brain: a farce in three acts, translated by Eric v.d. Luft, with an introduction, an essay, and an extensive bibliography of the first decade of phrenology, Author: August von Kotzebue
Title: The Value of Suicide, Author: Eric v.d. Luft
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Title: Ruminations: Selected Philosophical, Historical, and Ideological Papers, Volume 2, Dawns and Departures, Author: Eric v.d. Luft
Title: Letters from the War: The Civil War Letters of a Union Sergeant from the Front to His Home in Walton, New York, and Related Letters, 1862-1864, Author: John L Rury
Title: The Socialist Reader, Author: Eric v.d. Luft
Title: A Socialist Manifesto, Author: Eric v.d. Luft
Title: Burke on the Sublime: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful with an Introductory Discourse Concerning Taste: A New Edition, Author: Edmund Burke
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Title: Un Manifiesto Socialista, Author: Eric v.d. Luft