Title: BreakThru Brokin : Unleash the Broker Within, Author: Gemma Gould
Title: La protección jurídica de las bases de datos en el ordenamiento europeo, Author: Gemma Minero Alejandre
Title: Evidential Uncertainty in Causation in Negligence, Author: Gemma Turton
Title: South African Index of Multiple Deprivation for Children: Census 2001, Author: Helen Barnes
Title: The Money Code and How To Crack It!: Everyday Lessons to Master the Mindset, Making, Maintenance and Multiplying of Money, Author: The ACs
Title: An Aspiring Ballerina's Guide to: Auditions, Author: Gemma Pearce
Title: Saqueo: Quién y cómo provocó la crisis del sistema bancario español, Author: Gemma Martínez
Title: Evidential Uncertainty in Causation in Negligence, Author: Gemma Turton