Title: Radiance: Experiencing Divine Presence, Author: Gina Lake
Title: Living in the Now: How to Live as the Spiritual Being That You Are, Author: Gina Lake
Title: Getting Free: Moving Beyond Negativity and Limiting Beliefs, Author: Gina Lake
Title: Resplandor: Conocer a la Presencia Divina, Author: Gina Lake
Title: ET Contact: A Message from the Confederation of Planets About Planetary Transformation, Author: Gina Lake
Title: In the World but Not of It: New Teachings from Jesus on Embodying the Divine, Author: Gina Lake
Title: Symbols of the Soul: Discovering Your Life Purpose and Karma Through Astrology, Author: Gina Lake
Title: Choice and Will: New Teachings from Jesus, Author: Gina Lake
Title: Return to Essence: How to Be in the Flow and Fulfill Your Life's Purpose, Author: Gina Lake