Title: An Open Office Guide To Publishing On Smashwords, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: Preparing for Your New Pastor, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: No Kill Shelter, Author: Smedstad
Title: Cane Poles, Nets and Fishing Trawlers: How to Grow Your Church, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: A Christian's Guide To Reading Your Bible, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: A Christian's Guide to the Book of Revelation, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: Viktoria, Viktoria and A Chance Encounter, Author: Smedstad
Title: The High Cost of the Attraction Based Church, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: God and Gays: What the Bible Says about Homosexuality, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: I Could Have Drownded Gilbert..., Author: Smedstad
Title: Renegade Warrior, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: A Christian's Guide to Hearing God, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: Dignified Leadership: Curing the Cancer of Objectification, Author: JK Saravanan
Title: Marriage Make-Over: A Woman's Guide to Improving Your Marriage, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: A Christian's Guide to Fasting, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: Click, Author: Smedstad
Title: My Time for Dying, Author: Smedstad
Title: A Christian's Guide To Hell, Author: Gregory Scott
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Title: Ultimate Small Groups: Engage, Disciple, Develop, Build, Author: Gregory Scott
Title: A Pastor, A Queer and A Homosexual (The Game of Life Series), Author: Gregory Scott