Title: Torn by God: A Family's Struggle with Polygamy, Author: Zoe Murdock
Title: My Vietnam War, Author: E.E.
Title: From Washington and Adams to Hillary and Trump: The Stories behind the Story of Every Presidential Election, Author: Everett Murdock
Title: The End of the Civil War, Author: E.E
#2 in Series
Title: How to Write Fiction: Tool and Techniques, Author: E.E.
Title: Man in the Mirror: A man finding himself as he loses himself to Alzheimer's, Author: Zoe Murdock
Title: Obama Won, but Romney Almost Was President: How the Democrats Targeted Electoral College Votes to Win the 2012 Presidential Election, Author: Everett E. Murdock
Title: The Pain Artist: An American Hikikomori, Author: E. E.
Title: A Psalm for Cock Robin: A Harp and His (Dead) Mother Mystery, Author: E.E.
Title: Crueltown: A Drew Steele Los Angeles - Las Vegas Mystery, Author: E.E.