Title: The Crooked Staircase, Author: Dean Koontz
Title: Stand Proud and Eyes of the Hawk: Two Complete Novels of the American West, Author: Elmer Kelton
Title: No Justice in Hell, Author: Charles G. West
Title: The Whispering Room (Jane Hawk Series #2), Author: Dean Koontz
Title: Safe at Hawk's Landing, Author: Rita Herron
Title: Redemption at Hawk's Landing, Author: Rita Herron
Title: The Silent Corner (Jane Hawk Series #1), Author: Dean Koontz
Title: A Champion Born With Autism, Author: Fat Shadow
Title: War Hawk (Tucker Wayne Series #2), Author: James Rollins
Title: Michigan State University: Big Book of Basketball Activities, Author: Peg Connery-Boyd
Title: Journey to Hawk's Peak, Author: MK McClintock
Title: Totally Pacific Northwest!, Author: Peg Connery-Boyd
Title: Totally Michigan!, Author: Peg Connery-Boyd
Title: Cleveland Indians: The Big Book of Activities, Author: Peg Connery-Boyd
Title: Baltimore Orioles: The Big Book of Activities, Author: Peg Connery-Boyd
Title: The Legend of the Gypsy Hawk, Author: Sally Malcolm
Title: Night Hawk, Author: Lindsay McKenna
Title: Stoney Hawk, Author: Bob Moats
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Title: The Immortality Clause: Sweet Edition, Author: Abigail Hawk
Title: Beale's Hawk Down, Author: M. L. Buchman

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