Title: Honey Badgers, Author: Margo Gates
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Title: The Adventures of Honey & Leon, Author: Alan Cumming
Title: I'm Still Awake, Still!, Author: Elizabeth Honey
Title: Explore Honey Bees!: With 25 Great Projects, Author: Cindy Blobaum
Title: Buzzy the Very Busy Honey Bee, Author: Shirley Tennant
Title: Little Orange Honey Hood: A Carolina Folktale, Author: Lisa Anne Cullen
Explore Series
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Title: Why Why Why Do Bees Make Honey?, Author: Staff of Mason Crest Publishers
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Title: Honey, I Love and Other Love Poems, Author: Eloise Greenfield
Title: The Big Honey Hunt, Author: Stan Berenstain
Title: Hop Up! Wriggle Over!, Author: Elizabeth Honey
Title: A Guard Dog Named Honey, Author: Denise Gosliner Orenstein
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Title: Jam & Honey, Author: Laura J. Bryant
Title: Holidays Around the World: Celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: With Honey, Prayers, and the Shofar, Author: Deborah Heiligman

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