Title: The Raven
Director: David DeCoteau
Title: Mclintock!/Lucky Texan
Title: Hondros
Director: Greg Campbell
Title: Mr. Leather
Director: Jason Garrett
Title: The Dambusters Raid
Title: The Secret Life of Lance Letscher
Title: Double Dynamite
Director: Irving Cummings
Title: Partners/Airport '79: Concorde
Title: The Changeling
Director: Peter Medak
Title: Anatomy of a Male Ballet Dancer
Title: Blood Tide/the Legend of Boggy Creek
Title: Doll Face
Director: Lewis Seiler
Title: In Search of: Seasons 1-3
Title: Drawing the Line: A Portrait of Keith Haring
Title: Too Cool For Christmas
Director: Sam Irvin
Title: NFL: Super Bowl XXXVIII
Title: The Belle of Amherst
Title: Making Kitchen Cabinets
Title: Stephanie Daley
Director: Hilary Brougher

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