Title: It Came from Beneath the Bed! (Tales from the House of Bunnicula Series #1), Author: James Howe
Title: The Birchbark House (Birchbark House Series #1), Author: Louise Erdrich
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Audio MP3 $6.64 $8.00 Current price is $6.64, Original price is $8.00.
Title: Invasion of the Mind Swappers from Asteroid 6! (Tales from the House of Bunnicula Series #2), Author: James Howe
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Audio MP3 $6.22 $7.50 Current price is $6.22, Original price is $7.50.
Title: Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House (Geronimo Stilton Series #3), Author: Geronimo Stilton
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Audio MP3 $6.22 $7.50 Current price is $6.22, Original price is $7.50.
Title: Anne's House of Dreams (Anne of Green Gables Series #5), Author: L. M. Montgomery
Title: Dark Day in the Deep Sea (Magic Tree House Merlin Mission Series #11), Author: Mary Pope Osborne
Title: Eve of the Emperor Penguin (Magic Tree House Merlin Mission Series #12), Author: Mary Pope Osborne
#12 in Series
Audio MP3 $6.64 $8.00 Current price is $6.64, Original price is $8.00.
Title: Moonlight on the Magic Flute (Magic Tree House Merlin Mission Series #13), Author: Mary Pope Osborne
#13 in Series
Audio MP3 $6.64 $8.00 Current price is $6.64, Original price is $8.00.