Becoming God's True Woman: ...While I Still Have a Curfew (True Woman)

Have you ever wondered why God made both Male and Female? Have you thought about His purpose for you as a female? Have you considered the fact that God has intentionally planned everything about your life? Yes,
yes, and yes?!

Then, join Bible teachers Susan Hunt and Mary A. Kassian in this 35-day devotional digging deep into God's Word, hearing what He says about your womanhood, and learning how to live as a "true woman" day by day.
Each day begins with a short devotion and then A Time For You section
-- a time for you to live for God's glory Interspersed throughout are personal stories and thoughts from girls like you.What you spend your time with and allow your mind to dwell on will be displayed in your life. Girls need to realize that they should only spend their time enjoying the words, sounds and images they want to become. (Allison, age 17)

The media encourages girls to be loud and bossy. In shows, the quiet girl is always picked on and ridiculed. (Connie Jean, age 13)

Modesty to me is beauty. It outwardly symbolizes what Christ has done to our hearts-made them new, clean and worthy of coming into God's presence . . . that's what modesty is about. (RuthAnne, age 17)

A True Woman Book

The goal of the True Woman publishing line is to encourage women to:

embrace, and delight in God's divine design and mission for their livesReflect the beauty and heart of Jesus Christ to their worldIntentionally pass the baton of Truth on to the next generationPray earnestly for an outpouring of God's Spirit in their families, churches, nation and world

Becoming God's True Woman: ...While I Still Have a Curfew (True Woman)

Have you ever wondered why God made both Male and Female? Have you thought about His purpose for you as a female? Have you considered the fact that God has intentionally planned everything about your life? Yes,
yes, and yes?!

Then, join Bible teachers Susan Hunt and Mary A. Kassian in this 35-day devotional digging deep into God's Word, hearing what He says about your womanhood, and learning how to live as a "true woman" day by day.
Each day begins with a short devotion and then A Time For You section
-- a time for you to live for God's glory Interspersed throughout are personal stories and thoughts from girls like you.What you spend your time with and allow your mind to dwell on will be displayed in your life. Girls need to realize that they should only spend their time enjoying the words, sounds and images they want to become. (Allison, age 17)

The media encourages girls to be loud and bossy. In shows, the quiet girl is always picked on and ridiculed. (Connie Jean, age 13)

Modesty to me is beauty. It outwardly symbolizes what Christ has done to our hearts-made them new, clean and worthy of coming into God's presence . . . that's what modesty is about. (RuthAnne, age 17)

A True Woman Book

The goal of the True Woman publishing line is to encourage women to:

embrace, and delight in God's divine design and mission for their livesReflect the beauty and heart of Jesus Christ to their worldIntentionally pass the baton of Truth on to the next generationPray earnestly for an outpouring of God's Spirit in their families, churches, nation and world

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Becoming God's True Woman: ...While I Still Have a Curfew (True Woman)

Becoming God's True Woman: ...While I Still Have a Curfew (True Woman)

by Mary A Kassian, Susan Hunt
Becoming God's True Woman: ...While I Still Have a Curfew (True Woman)

Becoming God's True Woman: ...While I Still Have a Curfew (True Woman)

by Mary A Kassian, Susan Hunt

eBookNew Edition (New Edition)


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Have you ever wondered why God made both Male and Female? Have you thought about His purpose for you as a female? Have you considered the fact that God has intentionally planned everything about your life? Yes,
yes, and yes?!

Then, join Bible teachers Susan Hunt and Mary A. Kassian in this 35-day devotional digging deep into God's Word, hearing what He says about your womanhood, and learning how to live as a "true woman" day by day.
Each day begins with a short devotion and then A Time For You section
-- a time for you to live for God's glory Interspersed throughout are personal stories and thoughts from girls like you.What you spend your time with and allow your mind to dwell on will be displayed in your life. Girls need to realize that they should only spend their time enjoying the words, sounds and images they want to become. (Allison, age 17)

The media encourages girls to be loud and bossy. In shows, the quiet girl is always picked on and ridiculed. (Connie Jean, age 13)

Modesty to me is beauty. It outwardly symbolizes what Christ has done to our hearts-made them new, clean and worthy of coming into God's presence . . . that's what modesty is about. (RuthAnne, age 17)

A True Woman Book

The goal of the True Woman publishing line is to encourage women to:

embrace, and delight in God's divine design and mission for their livesReflect the beauty and heart of Jesus Christ to their worldIntentionally pass the baton of Truth on to the next generationPray earnestly for an outpouring of God's Spirit in their families, churches, nation and world

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780802481511
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Publication date: 09/01/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 176
Sales rank: 136,514
File size: 3 MB
Age Range: 10 - 14 Years

About the Author

MARY KASSIAN is an award winning author, internationally renowned speaker, and a distinguished professor at Southern Baptist Seminary. She has published several books and Bible studies, including The Feminist Mistake. A graduate from the faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine from the University of Alberta, Canada,
Mary has also studied systematic theology at the doctoral level and taught courses at seminaries throughout North America.

SUSAN HUNT is the wife of retired PCA pastor Gene Hunt, mother of 3, and grandmother of 12. Susan is the former
Director of Women's Ministry for the Presbyterian Church in America and is author of several books for women and children. She teaches a weekly Bible study for women in her church and has spoken for women's conferences throughout the country and in several other countries.

Read an Excerpt

Becoming God's True Woman

... While I Still Have a Curfew

By Susan Hunt, Mary A. Kassian, Jeanette Gardner Littleton

Moody Publishers

Copyright © 2012 Susan Hunt and Mary A. Kassian
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-8024-8151-1


There Is a Difference

Male and female ... fascinating!

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.


Have you ever wondered why God created people in His image?

Have you thought about His purpose for you as a female?

Have you considered the fact that God intentionally planned everything about your life?

Consider these jaw-dropping words from Acts 17:26: "And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place."

Think about it: God determined the "allotted period"—the exact time in history when you would live.

He determined the boundaries—the exact place on the planet where you would live.

He determined the family, friends, and circumstances of your life.

And He determined that you would be a female.

How extraordinary!

After God created the man and woman He said that this creation was very good.

It really is.

Will you join us on a journey to explore our very good calling to true womanhood?

After each devotion you will find suggestions to help you learn to think, pray, and live for God's glory. I encourage you to spend time journaling your journey. You may want to read the devotion one day and journal the next day, or read all the devotions, and then re-read them and do the "Time for You" sections. To help you get started, I asked our teen granddaughters to write their thoughts. Read what they said, and then it will be your turn.

Time to Think

Write your thoughts and feelings about Acts 17:26.

"This scripture makes me feel like I shouldn't complain or be unhappy with things in my life because God put these in place on purpose. It also gives me confidence that He is in control. God put all the people who are in my life there for a reason. Sometimes life is hard, but I know God has a plan for me. He made me in His own image, and He sacrificed His Son for me. I am grateful that He has a good plan for my life. I want to keep worshiping and praising Him."—Suzie, age 15

Time to Pray

Write a prayer using Genesis 1:27 and Acts 17:26.

"Dear Jesus, thank you for creating me in Your image. Thank You for giving me a loving family and Christian friends. Thank You for having a plan for my life. Please help me glorify You in all that I do. In Jesus' name, amen."—Cassie, age 14

"Dear God, thank You for all Your blessings, specifically for what You did in creation, designing us humans as male and female, both equally good in Your image. It is so comforting to know, like You say in Acts, that You already know my every situation and surrounding, that nothing surprises You, that You have everything under control, and that You specifically made me a woman—a woman who strives to be true. I pray that You will help me every day to become more and more like a true woman and to honor You in all my endeavors and in my role as a woman. In Your name I pray, amen."—Mary Kate, age 19

Suzie, Cassie, and Mary Kate had their time—now it's time for you to write your thoughts.

Time to Read

Genesis 1

Time to Think

Think about Acts 17:26. God planned when and where you would live, and the people and circumstances of your life. Write your thoughts and feelings about this incredible reality.

Time to Pray

Using God's Word as the basis for our praise and petitions helps us to know God and His Word more intimately. It deepens our prayer life. Write a prayer using Genesis 1:27 and Acts 17:26.


Tell someone what you learned from Genesis 1:27 and Acts 17:26.


The Big Story

I will make my dwelling among you ... And I will walk among you and will be your God, and you shall be my people.

LEVITICUS 26:11–12

The Bible is not simply a collection of disconnected stories and events. It is one big story of God keeping His promise to redeem His people. "To redeem" means to pay a ransom. The Bible is the story of Jesus, the Redeemer, who came and lived among us and gave His life as the ransom to free us from sin.

Womanhood is part of this story of redemption. We will never understand our womanhood unless we see it as part of this amazing story that begins before the beginning.

Ephesians 1 gives a glimpse into what happened before creation:

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world ... In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace ..." (vv. 3–6).

"In him [Jesus] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses ... so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory" (7, 12).

"In him you also ... were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory (vv. 13–14).

Here we see an agreement, a covenant, between the members of the Trinity. In this agreement each Person of the Trinity assumed a different function.

• Look at verses 3–6 again. What did God the Father agree to do for us?

• Look at verses 7–12. What did Jesus agree to do for us?

• Look at verses 13–14. What did the Holy Spirit agree to do for us?

God the Father chose us to be His children before He created the world. He did not choose us because of anything we would be or do. He chose us because of His love.

God the Son agreed to give His life to redeem God's people from sin. He agreed to pay the redemption price by dying on the cross as punishment for our sin.

God the Holy Spirit agreed to give God's people the power to believe that the Father chose us and the Son died for us. He is the guarantee that we will receive the fullness of the benefits of redemption when Jesus comes back.

This agreement between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is called the covenant of redemption. Each Person of the Trinity has a different function in this covenant, but the goal is the same. What is God's overriding goal of His redemption plan? Look again at verses 6, 12, and 14. Underline the recurring phrase.

The Father chose us, the Son redeems us, and the Holy Spirit gives us the power to believe the gospel message so that we can praise His glorious grace.

Grace is God's gift—Jesus—to us. We can do nothing to deserve or earn this gift. Grace is also His power—the Holy Spirit—in us. The redemption story is the story of God's grace.

This is the big story, and you are part of it.

Q. Which Person of the Trinity is most important for our salvation?

A. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are equal, and the function of each Person in the Trinity is equal, but these functions are different. Equal but different—what an intriguing concept.

These verses are just a few places where we read God's promise to be our God. Read several of them.

Genesis 17:7 * Exodus 6:7 * Jeremiah 24:7 * 2 Corinthians 6:16 Revelation 21:1–4

Time to Think

Personalize the verses above by putting your own name in them. For example: "I will give Susan a heart to know that I am the Lord, and she shall be my child and I will be her God, for she shall return to me with her whole heart" (Jeremiah 24:7). Next, write your thoughts about this extraordinary promise.

Time to Pray

Use the verses you read and write a prayer of gratitude to God.


Think about the Triune God's promise that He will be your God and you will be His child. Think of one difference that being God's child should make in your life and write it down. Then ask the Holy Spirit to change your heart so that you want to live as God's daughter.

Dianne's Story

Patty approached me one Sunday at church. She was pretty and outgoing, and I was flattered that she would talk with me.

"Your mom said you may be interested in coming to our youth Bible study on Wednesdays," she said.

"That sounds great," I lied. I had no intention of going to church twice in one week.

By Wednesday I had forgotten the conversation, but Patty remembered. She called me, and when I answered the telephone, her bright voice on the other end of the line said, "We're all here. Where are you?"

I reluctantly drove to the house where they were meeting, and Patty warmly welcomed me.

There I encountered something I had never experienced: Teenage girls were worshiping the Lord. These girls were my age, yet they talked to God as if He was in that very room. I was captivated. I was overwhelmed with an intense desire to have that kind of relationship with God.

Patty sat beside me as I discovered Christ as my personal Savior. After I prayed and asked Jesus to be part of my life, Patty explained to me how a person grows closer to God through daily Bible reading and prayer. I was moved by her concern for me. But I was even more moved by her love for Jesus.

Patty persevered. The next day she called me to see if I had any questions about my decision to follow Jesus. I did have some questions, so she invited me to spend the night at her home. Patty loved God so much that I expected her to have a whole family of people who were strong Christians, so I was surprised to learn that Patty was the only one in her home who had a relationship with God. We spent hours in her room talking, praying, and praising God. The years have passed. My husband and I have spent over twenty years on the mission field. I lost contact with Patty, but I have not forgotten her. Many times I think of Patty and wish I could tell her what an encouragement she was to me. The faithfulness to God she showed when she was eighteen still challenges me today.

Dianne Smalling, Missionary

(This story is adapted from TRUE, a discipleship curriculum for teen girls. Used by permission.)


Equal but Different

Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man when they were created.


You have probably heard this joke: God created man and said, "I can do better than that," and He created woman.

While you might laugh, I hope you see that this joke isn't true. God did exactly what He intended to do—He created male and female, and He declared the idea of two genders to be very good.

You have probably heard another untruth: Equality means females must do the same thing as males.

Two things do not have to be the same to be equal. Red and green are equally colors, but they are different.

God created male and female, and He created them equally in His image.

However He gave them different functions in His kingdom. These functions are equally valuable.

Does this sound familiar?

• The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are equal.

• Each Person of the Trinity has a different function in accomplishing our redemption.

• These different functions have the same purpose—to praise the Triune God's glorious grace.

• There is equality in being, difference in function, and unity in purpose.

The same is true for us because we were created in the likeness of the Triune God.

• Men and women are equal because we are both created in God's image. Neither is more important nor more valuable than the other.

• We were designed for different functions.

• We were created for the same purpose: God's glory.

• There is equality in being, difference in function, and unity in purpose.

It's nonsense to say that God the Father must die on the cross in order to be as important as the Son, and it is nonsense to say that women must do the same things as men in order to be as important.

Men and women are different, but our differences are not meant to divide us—and they won't if we have the same purpose. The problem is when our purpose is to live for our own glory rather than God's glory.

God's plan is for men and women to live in harmony and to praise Him together. We are not to compete and criticize. We are to value our differences. We are to encourage and help each other glorify God.

The big story that began before the beginning, and that runs through history, is the story of God redeeming His people by sending His Son to be our Savior and by giving His Spirit to us so that we can believe this amazing salvation story and live for His glory.

Time to Read

Ephesians 1:1–14

Time to Think

What are your thoughts about the Triune God's plan and purpose that we see in Ephesians 1:1—14?

Have you trusted Jesus to be your Savior? If so, reflect on God's amazing grace in your life.

What are your thoughts about Dianne's Story?

Time to Pray

Use Ephesians 1:1–14 to write your prayer.


If you are trusting Jesus to be your Savior, it is because God chose you to belong to Him before He created the world. What difference should this make in how you live?


Same Purpose

guys and girls have the same purpose.

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."


You both have dignity and worth because you were created in God's image.

Your value is not determined by your abilities, your looks, or your popularity. You are valuable because you are God's image-bearer.

Being God's image-bearer means that we were created to live in a special relationship with Him and to reflect some of His wonderful characteristics.

Think of it this way:

When you look into a mirror you see a reflection, or an image, of yourself. The reflection does not show everything about you, but it does show some things about you. When the mirror is turned away from you, it does not reflect you. The mirror reflects what it faces. When we live in relationship with God through Christ, we reflect His glory; when we turn away, we do not.

God created us in His image so we can reflect some things about Him. We do not show everything about Him, but we were created to reflect some aspects of His glory.

A catechism is a method of teaching by questions and answers. I will use some questions from historic catechisms that have been used by the church for centuries to teach biblical doctrine.

Westminster Shorter Catechism]

Q. 1: What is the chief end of man?

A: Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

The Heidelberg Catechism

Q. 6: Did God create people so wicked and perverse?

A: No. God created them good and in His own image, that is, in true righteousness and holiness, so that they might truly know God their creator, love Him with all their heart, and live with Him in eternal happiness for His praise and glory.

"Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain, Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word."

(PSALM 119:36–37, NIV)

The true woman's purpose is to glorify God. For the record, the true man's purpose is also to glorify God.

The true woman does not live for herself. She does not seek her own honor. Instead, no matter what she does, her purpose is to reflect God's glory. She embraces 1 Corinthians 10:31: "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

The girl who wants to become a true woman will continually ask God to turn her to Himself so that she will reflect His glory.

Time to Read

Isaiah 43:1–7

Time to Think

Read Isaiah 43:1–7 again and substitute your name for Jacob and Israel.

What are your thoughts about this incredible passage? What is your purpose? Do you really want to live for God's glory, or do you want to live for yourself?

Time to Pray

Use 1 Corinthians 10:31 to write your prayer. Include some of the specific things that you do such as schoolwork and playing soccer, and ask the Lord for grace to do it for His glory.


Memorize the answer to the Catechism question: What is the chief end of man? Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.

Substitute your name for "Man's" and write it on an index card. Put it where you will see it every day (maybe on your mirror!).

The Moon's Story

We sat on the beach dazzled by the sights and sounds. Moonbeams danced on the water. Waves crashed onto the shore, and a full moon hung above us.

"Children," I whispered to the grandkids sitting on the blanket, "God's Word says, 'The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands' [Psalm 19:1, NIV]. Do you hear what the sky is telling us?"


I asked them to look at the moon and describe it.

"It's big," declared the six-year-old.

"It's beautiful," sighed the nine-year-old.

"That's it," I said. "God is big, and He's beautiful. That's the moon's message to us. But did you know that the moon has no light of its own?"

The six-year-old protested, "But it's shining!"

The fifteen-year-old explained, "It reflects light from the sun."

"Then why don't we have a full moon every night?" I asked.

The clever twelve-year-old was ready. "Because the moon has to be lined up with the sun in exactly the right position."

"I get it!" exclaimed the sixteen-year-old breathlessly. "We're like the moon. We have no light of our own. We reflect God's light."

"But we must be in exactly the right position. We must be fully facing Him," reflected a wise nineteen-year-old.

"When we live facing Jesus, we reflect His glorious goodness—and it's dazzling," said a satisfied grandma.


A Good Question

All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name.

PSALM 86:9

A teen girl asked an interesting question.

"Wasn't it ... well, I mean ..." she hesitated, not sure if she should verbalize her question.

"It's all right," I said. "Honest questions are good. How will we learn if we don't ask?"

She began again, "Wasn't it egotistical of God to create us for His glory?

That seems self-serving."

"That's a thoughtful question that deserves an answer," I replied. "But first let me ask you a question. What other purpose could we have that would give us more significance than glorifying God?"

She thought for a while and finally said, "I can't think of anything."

She could not think of anything because there is nothing more significant than being created to live in relationship with the King of kings, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, and to reflect certain aspects of His goodness.

Make no mistake—God does not need us in order to be glorious.

God is glorious whether we glorify Him or not. He graciously created us in His image so that we can glorify Him. All of creation reflects the glory of His beauty, power, and majesty, but humans are the ones He created to live in such a personal relationship with Him that we can reflect the glory of His character.

Not only does living for His praise and honor give us significance, it is the only thing that gives us joy. This is what we were created for and anything less dishonors God and demeans us.

The psalmist cried out in Psalm 8:1, 4–5, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens ... what is man that you are mindful of him, ... you have ... crowned him with glory and honor."

And in Psalm 86:12, "I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever."

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:19–20, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."

The girl who is becoming a true woman continually asks herself questions such as:

• What will it mean for me to glorify God in this relationship or situation?

• How can I glorify God in my family?

• How can I glorify God as a student?

• How can I glorify God in my choices of everything from clothes to college?

The girl who is becoming a true woman knows that God created us for His glory because He loves us. Her gratitude for such love causes her to sing with the angels, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!" (Luke 2:14).

Time to Read

Psalm 8

Time to Think

Write your thoughts about God creating you for His glory.

What are your thoughts about The Moon's Story?

Time to Pray

Use the Scriptures on pages 24–25 to write your prayer.


Develop the holy habit of asking yourself the questions a true woman asks. Start by asking one of the questions and writing your answer. Then pray for God's power to do it.


Excerpted from Becoming God's True Woman by Susan Hunt, Mary A. Kassian, Jeanette Gardner Littleton. Copyright © 2012 Susan Hunt and Mary A. Kassian. Excerpted by permission of Moody Publishers.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Letter from Susan,
1. There Is a Difference,
2. The Big Story,
3. Equal but Different,
4. Same Purpose,
5. A Good Question,
6. Same Authority,
7. Different Design,
8. Same Sin,
9. Same Gospel,
10. Womanhood Redeemed,
11. The True or the New,
12. Gospel Power,
13. Stiff-necked People,
14. Shining People,
15. We Need Each Other,
16. The Promise is Kept,
17. Becoming a True Woman Letter from Mary,
18. Wise Up!,
19. Deadened by the Drip,
20. Dress to Impress,
21. What Not to Wear,
22. Wily Woman,
23. That Girl's Got Attitude,
24. Out and About,
25. On the Prowl,
26. Role Reversal,
27. Messing Around,
28. Breaking Curfews,
29. Two-Faced,
30. Clingy Girl,
31. Shopaholic,
32. Lover of Pleasure,
33. Breaking Faith,
34. Bad Influence,
35. Going Wise,

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