Title: Newspapers of the World Online: U.S. and International Perspectives: Proceedings of Conferences in Salt Lake City and Seoul, 2006, Author: Hartmut Walravens
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eBook $67.99 $126.00 Current price is $67.99, Original price is $126.00.
Title: International Genealogy and Local History: Papers presented by the Genealogy and Local History Section at IFLA General Conferences 2001-2005, Author: Ruth Hedegaard
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eBook $71.99 $126.00 Current price is $71.99, Original price is $126.00.
Title: Information Literacy: International Perspectives, Author: Jesus Lau
Title: Open Access to STM Information: Trends, Models and Strategies for Libraries, Author: Anthi Katsirikou
Title: Librarianship as a Bridge to an Information and Knowledge Society in Africa, Author: Alli Mcharazo
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Title: The Impact of Digital Technology on Contemporary and Historic Newspapers: Proceedings of the International Newspaper Conference, Singapore, April 1-3 2008, and papers from the IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Quebec, Canada, August, 2008, Author: Hartmut Walravens